Company Data


Representative Data

Industry and Activities

Please submit details of your business.

Communications Group

If you are in a group with another company, please list their names and (codes given below) your relationships with them.

International Cooperation

If you have connections, with other companies, please use the shortcuts in this fields "Type of work"


Companies wishing to become members of MATTO must have at least three references from other companies, whether they are a primary association of companies, have a stake or are affiliated with a sister company, to complete the membership procedure. Once approved for membership, there can be only two references.

Reasons of Joining MATTO

Check components that prompted you to join the MATTO

Company Current Status Document (Тековна cостојба на cубјект)

Here, please upload your company's current status document. This document should include information about your company's current situation, including its financial status, its current projects, and its future plans. This document will help us better understand your company's needs and how we can help you achieve your goals.

Other Associations, Chambers and Foundations Membership

Check and indicate the associations, chambers, and foundations in which representatives of your companies are members.

Other Companies Recommended for MATTO Membership

Conditions for Membership

  1. Firstly, all companies that are registered and perform activities in the country according to legal norms in Republic of Macedonia have the right for membership in the Economic Chamber of Macedonia-Turkey MATTO. The procedure for admission to the Economic Chamber of Macedonia-Turkey MATTO is foreseen in the Law on Commerce of the Republic of Macedonia and Articles 4, 5, 14 and 29 and the Statute of the Court and Articles 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 thereof. After reviewing each application the Management Board shall decide of the acceptance of membership.

  2. Firms shall have the right to change the representative but must notify in writing. If there is an interruption of work from both sides, the firm is responsible for the selection and application of a new representative in the same way. (Each company representative for each change made responsible for reporting to the Department within 15 days. Unless there is a new notification by the company, official data are considered valid).

  3. Each application form for membership must be verified stamped and signed by the responsible party. Originals are the base, if applied via fax or email, they are replaced with the originals. (The application should stick two representative photographs and add two others or be sent by mail 300 dpi). The application in addition to adding contract from the Central Registry of Commerce and circular signatures certified by the notary.

  4. The company that applies is obliged to pay the amount of membership determined by MATTO statute within 30 days.

Statement of the company

We declare that we

For your approval and declaration of this application and, in addition to the data given in the APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP being true, please note that in the wake of disagreements in the implementation of this agreement are competent judiciary and the executive Skopje .